Interlibrary Loans
Looking for something not available at Richmond Public Library?
Interlibrary Loans (Illume Online) is a service offered in British Columbia where library users can search for and request older books from other library systems in the province.
What can I borrow through an Interlibrary Loan?
- Print books published more than 12 months ago
What is not available to borrow through Interlibrary Loans?
- Books owned by Richmond Public Library (RPL)
- Books published within the past 12 months
- ebooks and eaudiobooks
- CDs, DVDs, Blu-Ray discs, or video games
- Magazines
- Reference materials
- High-demand titles (i.e. bestsellers, popular paperbacks, etc.)
If you’re looking for a new book that is not in RPL’s collection, please submit a Purchase Suggestion.
What do I need to request an Interlibrary Loan?
- A valid RPL library card
Do I need to pay a fee?
- No fee is charged for requesting BC library items
- Fee may be charged by out-of-province lending libraries
- $2.00 fee if you don’t pick-up an Interlibrary Loan request
- Fees for lost ILL items will be added to your RPL account
How do I borrow a book through Interlibrary Loans?
- Search for the book on Illume Online
- Choose the result that has the most owning libraries
- Click “Request This Item”
- Fill out customer request form – you will need to provide your:
- name
- library card number
- telephone number
- email address (optional, to receive notices)
- Select pick-up location
- Click “Submit”
All requests are processed within 90 days from the date they are submitted. If your request hasn’t been filled by that date, it will be cancelled.
What happens next?
- Books arrive in 3-6 weeks
- RPL will call or email when the book is ready to pick-up
- RPL will hold the book for 7 days
- Check out the book with the card you used to make the Interlibrary Loan request
- Loan period is 3 weeks
- Interlibrary Loan books are non-renewable
Are there limits on Interlibrary Loan requests?
- 5 Interlibrary Loan books per library card at a time
Where can I return an Interlibrary Loan?
- Any RPL branch
- Please return with the pink band on the book
Need more help with Interlibrary Loans?
Call or visit the Ask Me Desk of any RPL branch or send us an email.
1-on-1 help is currently available at the Brighouse branch. Book a librarian for 1-on-1 Help with library resources.
Information for Requesting Libraries
Click here for Information about Requesting Libraries.