Donors Honour Board

Cash and In-Kind Donations Received in 2024

Richmond Community Foundation Fund

A $5,000 donation to the Richmond Public Library Endowment Fund held by the Richmond Community Foundation.
Friends Commitment:  $5,000

Steveston Library Reserve Fund

$10,000 towards a reserve fund providing the FOL opportunities to sponsor collections, furnishings and unique projects for the future Steveston library.
Friends Commitment:  $10,000

Browsing Collection and Active Mind sets – for placement in Seniors’ residences.

In order to expand our services outside of our library spaces and to uphold our priority to reach out to vulnerable populations, the library would like to share our resources and make library collections easily accessible in care homes and other senior’s facilities and group residences in Richmond. Books and memory resources would be shared in community with the RPL’s seniors’ librarian  providing support and connection to residents.
Friends Commitment:  $8,000

Canadian History Collection (Including Indigenous History)

Funding would be used to support the creation of collection of books on Canadian history and life in Canada that would be of interest to everyone, but particularly newcomers. Subjects in this collection would include books on the history and geography of Canada, settlement resources and newcomer guides, career search information, personal finance resources, cultural information and more. Each branch would have a collection that is easily accessible.
Friends Commitment: $6,000

Drawing Collection for Children

Drawing plays a significant role in child development and helps with imagination, fine motor skills and hand- eye coordination. Children see a connection between what they see and do in their drawings. Drawing enhances creativity, memory, problem solving and reduces stress in children.

The library like to purchase drawing books, but also to easily provide tracing tools, paper and coloured artist pencils to be borrowed by children who may not have the tools needed at home.
Friends Commitment: $2,000

Spero Indis Robotics for Branches

Sphero Indis are small cars designed to introduce children aged 4 and older to coding and robotics. They provide children and parents the exploration of the world of coding and robotics in a fun way. The Brighouse Main library has launched this new technology in their programming and plan to pilot the robotics at all of our other libraries in Q1 of 2024. Funding will support this technology which provides basic literacy skills and helps with communication, creativity, math, learning writing and confidence to children in the digital age.
Friends Commitment:  $5,000

Cambie Library

Friends Commitment:  $1,000

Cash and In-Kind Donations Received in 2021

Donations $5,000 – $19,999

Ben & Esther Dayson Charitable Foundation

Donations $1,000 – $4,999

Alan Burns; Anar Shariff; Birds Canada; Raphael and Jacqueline Lui; Renee Aldana; Simon Fraser University

Donations $500 – $999

Anonymous(1); Cyndi Mintzberg; Erin Riffel; Linda McPhail; Mike & Munjeet Booton; Robert Perron; Susan Koch; Tina Ippel

Donations $300 – $499

Carmen Cousar; David Cameron; Donna J. Wilson; Judith Tait

Donations $200 – $299

Anne Devent; Carolyn Holland; Cindy McPherson; Helen Collinge; James Pettifer; Jenna Newman; Linda Hunt; Robbin Greig; Susan and Glenn Guilbault; Susan Johnsen; Susan Walters

Donations $100 – $199

Anonymous(3); B. Joan Mann; Caitlyn Lam; Claire Hammer; David Bell; David Xu; Denise Hui; Frances Nakanishi; Jane Pratt; Jacqui Ostergo; Jose Mendoza; Ken Nelson; Lily Lee; Lori Davis; Marilyn Sakiyama; Mary Gardner; Meredith & Ron Woodward; Michael Bemmels; Romi Fung; Rudy Chiang; Rosemary Nowicki; Sheila Rodgers; Sheila Smart; Sandy Bichard; Vivian Garfinkel

Donations $50 – $99

Allisa Ritchie; Anonymous(5); Barbara Corder; Barry Yu; David Hamaguchi; Dorothy Urwin; Hanaye (Frances) Isomura; James Hirayama; Janice Froese; Joseph Tsang; Judith Quinn; Kelvin Higo; Lance Carey; Leslie Diack; Linda Tam; Lingfeng JC Zhu; Lynne Scroggs; Margaret Jane Anderson; Marilyn Sakiyama, Seventh Heaven Book Club; Mary Lou Rossiter; Melissa Clark; Paul Brady; Rana Puj; Sarinda Jayasinghe; Sharon Doucelin; Shelley Ail; Susan Jackson; Toshiko Fujimuro; Toy Chong; Valentina Wojna; Wally Marner; Weibo Qin, c/o 1180669 BC LTD

Donations up to $49

Alicia Borthwick; Anonymous(12); CanadaHelps; Canadian Online Giving Foundation; Carol De Marco; Carole Ringers; Catharine Herb-Kelly; Christine Purling; Constance Magnusson; Denise Aitken; Derril Gudlaugson; Emoke Molnar; Hazel Cusay; Hilary Kariotis; Ivy Liu; Jennifer Anderson; Jianan Song; Jiaxi Liu; Josephine Hwo; Kathy Arnsdorf; Kriste Stolte; Linda Anderson; Linda Gow; Linda Simpson; Marie Blais; Mary Huebner; Maureen Tweedly; Melissa Dowling; Michael A. Kavanagh; Mona Westlands; Myra Lam; Nancy Huntington; Patricia Hamilton; Patti Chabot; Peter Yee Chow; Rachel Eaton; Rick Plumley; Rosita De Souza; Shirley Yap; Shu Leon Sun, c/o Leon Sun PREC; Shu Yu; Wee Nie Tham; Wei Shi; Xiaohua Liu; Ying Lo

Cash and In-Kind Donations Received in 2020

Donations $20,000+

Province of BC; Friends of the Richmond Library Society

Donations $5,000 – $19,999

The Ben & Esther Dayson Foundation

Donations $1,000 – $4,999

Alan Burns; Corisande Percival Smith

Donations $500 – $999

Kwong Wai Jan; Anar Shariff & Afzal Mangalji; Paypal Donation

Donations $300 – $499

Susan Walters

Donations $200 – $299

Priscilla Bollo – CFUW Richmond Afternoon Book Club; Greg Buss; Linda & Terry McPhail; Sharon Riggs

Donations $100 – $199

Brenda Burtnick – Thompson Community Centre Book Club; Laina Chen; Mia Chen; Rudy Chiang; Sharon Doucelin; Mark Ellis; Vivian Garfinkel – Allsorts Book Club; Denise Hui; Susan Johnsen – United Readers Book Club; Pak Lim Ko; Robin Leung; Jingyuan Liu; Cindy McPherson – Finn Road Book Club; Municipal Pension Retiree’s Association; Virginia Nelson; Suzie Ong; Elise Roaf; Marilyn Sakiyama; Sammy Tsai

Donations $50 – $99

Anonymous; Jeff Bechard; Canadian Online Giving Foundation; Jacinta Chan; Kehui Chen; Sarah Henriques; Frances Mens; Debbie Pawluk; Shawn Smolensky; Stephanie Somerville; Pony Tang; Work Safe BC

Donations up to $50

Anonymous; Charities Aid Foundation of Canada; Sannie Chie; Ranier Clement; Joan Court; Michelle Jackson; Patricia LaPointe; Robin Percival Smith

Cash and In-Kind Donations Received in 2019

Donations $20,000+

Friends of the Richmond Library

Donations $5,000 – $19,999

The Ben & Esther Dayson Charitable Foundation

Donations $1,000 – $4,999

Alan Burns; BC Courthouse Library Society; Open Doors BC Educational Awareness Society; Richmond Women’s Resources Centre

Donations $500 – $999


Donations $300 – $499

Rakesh Parhar; Robin Leung; Susan Walters

Donations $200 – $299

Canadian Online Giving Foundation; Cindy McPherson; Linda McPhail; Provincial Employees Community Services Fund; Richard and; Carolyn Hart ; Robbin Greig; Simon Fraser University; Susan Koch; Canadian Federation of University Women; Richmond Chapter Book Club

Donations $100 – $199

Anonymous (1); CFUW Mystery Book Club; Gloria Cheung; Jeff Bechard; John Hiew; Judith Tait; Lulu Belles Book Club; Mariner’s Book Club; Mark Ellis; Pak Lim Ko; Rudy Chiang; Sandy Bichard; United Readers Book Club

Donations $50 – $99

Anonymous (1); Denise Hawthorne; Sharon Doucelin

Cash and In-Kind Donations Received in 2018

Donations $20,000+

Friends of the Richmond Library

Donations $5,000 – $19,999

Ben & Esther Dayson Charitable Foundation; Decoda Literacy Solutions-Literacy Richmond; N & Z Futures Ltd. (Derek Dang & Dr. Margaret Yeung); Richmond Community Foundation

Donations $1,000 – $4,999

Alan Burns; Canadian Online Giving Foundation; Richmond Women’s Resources Centre; Royal Bank of Canada

Donations $500 – $999

Richmond Fitness & Wellness Association

Donations $300 – $499

Allsort Book Club; Cathy Gettel; Cindy McPherson; Susan Walters; Xue Yu

Donations $200 – $299

Anonymous (1); CanadaHelps.Org; Denise Hawthorne; Dr. Wendy Lai; G & F Financial Group; Linda McPhail; Robbin Greig; Robin Leung

Donations $100 – $199

Allison Joe; Anne & Jeff Bechard; Anonymous (1); CFUW Book Club; Mariners Book Club; Judith Tait; Mark Ellis; Municipal Pension Retirees’ Assocation; Provincial Employees Community Services Fund; Rana Heaven Book Club

Donations $50 – $99

Rachel Eaton; WorksafeBC

Donations UP TO $49

Anonymous (3); Amy Chan;; Christiana Mi; Dan & Andy Isserow; Kehui Chen; Michael Twiss; Morgan Meloche; Sharon Doucelin; Ying Wang

Cash and In-Kind Donations Received in 2017

Donations $20,000 and up:

Friends of the Library

Donations $5,000 – $19,999:

N & Z Futures Ltd. (Derek Dang & Dr. Margaret Yeung); Ben & Esther Dayson Charitable Foundation

Donations $1,000 – $4,999:

Alan Burns

Donations $500 – $999:

Anonymous (1); NWN Private Giving Foundation; Diane Cousar

Donations $300 – $499:

Anonymous (1); Greg Buss; Susan Walters; Royal Bank of Canada

Donations $200 – $299:

CanadaHelps.Org; TELUS Community Affairs; United Way; Simon Tang; Ai Yuang Cheryl Xue; Robin Leung; Irene Wu; Susan Koch

Donations $100 – $199:

Library Bound Inc. (Heather Bindseil); WorkSafeBC; Chaslynn Gillanders; Jo Anne Clendenning; United Readers Book Club; Mariner’s Book Club; Seventh Heaven Book Club; Ya Ya Sisters Book Club; Richmond Glitterbugs Book Club; CFUW Richmond Afternoon Book Club; CFUW Richmond Evening Book Club

Donations $50 – $99:

Anonymous (1); Shu Hua Huang; Joan Eekman; Jin Tang; Sharon Doucelin

Donations up to $49:

Michael Twiss; Peter Yeung; VanCity (Kenneth Lee)

Cash and In-Kind Donations Received in 2016

Donations $20,000 and up:

Friends of the Library

Donations $5,000 – $19,999:

The Ben & Esther Dayson Charitable Foundation; Richmond Public Library Endowment Fund in the Richmond Community Foundation – Kronier & Sparrow Ltd; Vancouver Foundation; N & Z Futures Ltd.

Donations $1,000 – $4,999:

Alan Burns

Donations $500 – $999:

Anonymous (1)

Donations $300 – $499:

Anonymous(1); Greg Buss; Susan Walters

Donations $200 – $299:

United Way; Susan Koch; Simon Tang; Robbin Greig; CFUW Evening Book Club; CFUW Afternoon Book Club; Ancient Mariners Book Club; All Sorts Book Club

Donations $100 – $199:

Anonymous (1); WorkSafe BC; Robin Leung; Christiana Shum; Adil Arda Minocherhomjee; Tuesday with Women Book Club; Ironwood Evening Book Club; Mariner’s Village Book Club; Seventh Heaven Book Club; Friends of the Richmond Public Library; Ya Ya Sisters Book Club; Richmond Glitterbugs Book Club

Donations $50 – $99:

Traci Corr; Chaslynn Gillanders; Cindy McPherson; Sharon Doucelin

Donations up to $49:

Anonymous (4); Peter Yeung; Denis Deyneko; Kara Mintzberg and Josh Gibbons; Alexis Rothschild; Kin Lung Ho; Jin Song Guo; Rachel Eaton

Cash and In-Kind Donations Received in 2015

Donations $20,000 and up:

Friends of the Library

Donations $5,000 – $19,999:

The Ben and Esther Dayson Charitable Foundation; Richmond Public Library Endowment Fund in the Richmond Community Foundation – Kronier & Sparrow Ltd.; Vancouver Foundation

Donations $1,000 – $4,999:

Alan Burns;Jiumn-Ming Huang

Donations $200 – $999:

Anonymous; Greg Buss; Robbin Greig; Peter Kafka; Susan Koch; Robin Leung; Simon Tang; Susan Walters

Donations $100 – $199:

Allsorts Book Club; Amigas Book Club; CFUW Mystery Book Club; Kashmiro K. Chahal; Diane Cousar; Dewey’s Dames Book Club; Richard and Carolyn Hart; Ladies of the Green Book Club; Charlotte Lee; Cindy McPherson; Municipal Pension Retiree’s Association; Queen’s Gate Book Club; Richmond Glitterbugs Book Club; Seventh Heaven Book Club; United Way; WorkSafe BC; Ya Ya Sisters Book Club

Donations $50 – $99:

Boob Book Club; Traci Corr; Peter Yeung

Donations up to $49:

Darrell Basham; Sharon Doucelin; Kara Mintzberg & Josh Gibbons; Alexis Rothschild

Cash and In-Kind Donations Received in 2014

Donations $20,000 and up:

Friends of the Library

Donations $10,000 and $19,999:

Kronier & Sparrow Ltd.; National Bank Financial & Gary Wu Wealth Management

Donations $5,000 – $9,999:

The Ben and Esther Dayson Charitable Foundation

Donations $1,000 – $4,999:

Anonymous(2); Alan Burns; Jiumn-Ming Huang; Aparna Kurl

Donations $500 – $999:

Anonymous; Peter Kafka

Donations $300 – $499:

Greg Buss; Wei Ping Chen

Donations $200 – $299:

Anonymous; Robbin Greig; Susan Koch; Cindy McPherson; Starward Performance; Simon Tang; United Way; Susan Walters

Donations $100 – $199:

Allsorts Book Club; Anonymous; CFUW Afternoon Book Club; CFUW Richmond Evening Book Club; Diane Cousar; Finn Road Book Club; Friends of the Library Book Club; Cathy Gettel; Glitterbugs Book Club; Carolyn Hart; Ironwood Evening Book Club; Robin Leung; Lu Lu Belles Book Club; Mariner’s Village Book Club; Richmond Food Security Society; Richmond Kayaking Book Club; Ya Ya Sisters Book Club; Qiang Yin

Donations $50 – $99:

Trudy Harowitz; Richmond Karting & Rentals Ltd.; Deborah Turner; WorkSafeBC; Peter Yeung

Donations up to $49:

Mark Bostwick; Sharon Doucelin; Sczerkowsky Family; Temple Sholom Sisterhood

Cash and In-Kind Donations Received in 2013

Donations $20,000 and up:

Friends of the Library

Donations $5,000 – $19,999:

The Ben & Esther Dayson Charitable Foundation; Richmond Public Library Endowment Fund in the Richmond Community Foundation – Kronier & Sparrow Ltd.

Donations $1,000 – $4,999:

Alan Burns; Susan E. Lomness; Shoji Nishihata; Richmond Public Library Endowment Fund in the Richmond Community Foundation – Pat Watson; Julia A. Williams

Donations $500 – $999:

Anonymous (1); Diane Cousar; Weiping Chen

Donations $300 – $499:

Peter Kafka; Nelson Kwan; Cindy McPherson; NWM Private Giving Foundation – Cyndi & Max Mintzberg; Robert A. McMath Secondary School – UNSC Club; TELUS

Donations $200 – $299:

ABCPLD; Greg Buss; Robbin Greig; Susan L. Koch; Connie Lau; Simon Tang; Susan Walters

Donations $100 – $199:

Anonymous (1); Linda Barnes; Capilano Suspension Bridge Park; Dulce A. Cuenca; Thora J. Gislason; Michelle Johnson; Sanjiv Khangura; Siew Kiau; Municipal Pension Retirees’ Association; Elaine Peterson; Diana Tyler

Donations $50 – $99:

Ru Ying Ma; United Way

Donations up to $49:

Carole Abramson; Anonymous (4); Judith A. Bicep; Sharon Doucelin; Shayla Feldstein; Vivian Garfinkel; Bobbi Gutman; Henry Anderson Elementary School; Geng Huang; Zhihui Huang; H. Nadine Jones; Ann Kramer; Leah Levitt; Dianne J. Lewis; Betty Mintzberg; Andrew Ness; Qing Pan; Paula Rembach; Alexis Rothschild; Nazar Saeed; Ruth Singer; Francie Steen; Anita Stuart; United Way; Paula Verhoeven; Nancy Wizenberg; Judy Zack

Cash and In-Kind Donations Received in 2012

Donations $20,000 and up:

Friends of the Richmond Public Library

Donations $10,000 and up:

National Bank Financial Ltd.

Donations $1,000-$9,999:

The Ben & Esther Dayson Charitable Foundation; Alan Burns; S. Gandham; Pat Watson

Donations $100-$999:

Allsorts Book Club; Anonymous (2); Linda Barnes; BLUES Mothers Book Club; Greg Buss; Cadillac Fairview Corporation Ltd.; Finn Road Book Club; Robbin Greig; Sophie Jinfeng Guo; Rosalie Hon; Ironwood Afternoon Book Club; Ironwood Evening Book Club; Peter Kafka; Sanjiv Khangura; Susan Koch; Connie Lau; Cyndi & Max Mintzberg; Simon Tang; TELUS; Susan Walters; Ya Ya Sisters Book Club

Donations up to $99:

Rasika Aklujkar; Anonymous (2); Bernard Che; Sharon Cooper and Kenneth Sanders; Sharon Doucelin; Shani Maslovski; The Sisterhood of Temple Sholom, WRJ; Diane Sullivan

Cash and In-Kind Donations Received in 2011

Donations $1,000,000 and up:

Dr. and Mrs. Kwok-Chu Lee

Donations $10,000 and up:

Friends of the Richmond Public Library

Donations $1,000-$9,999:

The Ben & Esther Dayson Charitable Foundation; Alan Burns; Pat Watson;

Donations $100-$999:

Anonymous; Linda Barnes; Richard and Jeanne Bushey; Greg Buss; Bernard Che; Glitterbugs Book Club; Robbin Greig; Anil K. Gulati; Richard and Carolyn Hart; Ironwood Afternoon Book Club; Ladies of the Green Book Club; Connie Lau; Lu Lu Belles Book Club; Marilyn Meyer; Cyndi and Max Mintzberg; Municipal Pension Retirees Association; Richmond Women’s Resource Centre Association; Devra Faye Samson; Snacks Book Club; TELUS Corporation; Susan Walters; Ya Ya Sisters Book Club;

Donations up to $99:

Anonymous; Karuna Belani; Jerry and Estelle Bleet; Tami Bleet; Daiso Store Canada Ltd.; James Huang; Trevor and Dawn Hurwitz; Glen Kirkpatrick; Catherine Ko; Perry and Louise Mazzone; Richmond Go Kart Track; Alexis Rothschild; Peter Smolik; Christine Swanson; Amadou Toure; WorkSafeBC; Hanny Yang; Josh Yang.

Cash and In-Kind Donations Received in 2010

Donations $100,000 and up:

Richmond Chinese School Foundation

Donations $50,000 and up:

Friends of the Richmond Public Library

Donations $1,000 – $10,000:

The Ben & Esther Dayson Charitable Foundation; John Yat-Wah Lee; Scotiabank; Pat Watson

Donations $100 – $800:

Art Alafriz; Allsorts Book Club; Anonymous; William Ban; Linda Barnes; Jeanne and Richard Bushey; Greg Buss; CFUW Richmond Evening Book Club; Andy Chan; Bernard Che; Kelly Davis; Jose Maria Delgado Enage; Mabel Esteban; Jose Flores; GG Francisco; Dennis and Neva Goquingco; Anil Kumar Gulati; Robbin Greig; Irene Ho; Jen Hung; Ironwood Evening Book Club; Beryl Jeffrey; Peter Kafka; Lulu Katigbak; Connie Lau; Cyndi and Max Mintzberg; Angela O. Nevada; Anonymous; Antonion Pena; Emmanuel Raguin; Lorina Serafico; Koon Hong Siu; Simon Tang; TELUS Corporation; Jose Sevilla Varona; Valerie Wagar; Ya Ya Sisters Book Club

Donations up to $99:

Zenaida Albino; Evelyn Amurad; Anonymous; Holly Armstrong; Vicky Au-Yeung; Cenen Bagon; Hardeep Bains; Emperatriz Banting; Esperanza Banting; Rally Catherine Bernardo; Winnie Joy Bernardo; Mark Bostwick and Linda Hilts; Estela Buntan; Jayson Burden; Cindy Burgoyne; Cecille Carpio; Meena Caui; Mike Chien; Magdalene Chung; Chester Co; Julia Coe; Sandy Costimiuk; Cynthia Cruz; Josefina
Cueto; Arailli ce Vera; Patrick De Vera; Christina Dionisp; Miguel Echevarria; Christine Elum; Priscilla Estrada; Delly Fairbrother; Susie Fisher; Rey Fontaleza; Sonny Francisco; Ashley Frasca; Pauline Gamboa; Manjinder Garcha; Sharon Gargaro; Gheeta; Laura Ho; Xinhua Hu; Harold Hung; Magdalene Hwang; Anna Imperial; Carlos Imperial; Rosaline May Imperial; Chris Ip; Patrick Ip; Marvie Jayme; Marvie and Jose Jayme; Emma Jusay; Tirth Kular; David Lai; Ron Lakhan; Yvette Larsen; Trieu Nang Lieu; Cecilia Lim; Ben Magcalas; Marianne Mamaril; Kan
Kar Man; Victoria Marasigan; Khysen Marasigan; Colin Mathews; Ishmael Mayuga; Nora McCallum; Cynthia Mendoza; Maria Mendoza; Estelita Miller; Diane Moncur; Rene Montano; Monina Montecillo; Norender Nagra; Natasha; Eric Ng; Lily Nguyen; Albert Oh; Edwin Parcero; Bert Parungao; Albert Pastoral; Maria Pastoral; Rosa Piezas; Satish Prasad; Elisa Lee Qua; Wilfredo Rances; Ann Rees; Lani Santiago; Winston Sayson; Benny and Gail Sczerkowsky; Rajinder Sehmby; Sisterhood of Temple Shalom; Andy Stashuk; Debbie Steinwandt; Eleanor Tan; Rochelle Tan; Zehra Tejani; Edward Teodono; Edmond To; Alberto Tuiza; Cora Tuiza; Vincent Uy; Joselito Valencia; Carmelita and Harri Weichert; Westwind Elementary School, Parent Advisory Council; Natasha Whitty; Renee Wiebe; Floserpina